Getting Started with Baby Wearing

Baby wearing is my jam. I love it. My son just turned 2 and we baby wear almost daily still. Why do I love it? Well for starters it allows me to get things done. Important things. Like eat. And tidy up. And get around NYC with ease. I started wearing my son in a stretchy wrap when h was as few days old. It would settle him when he was fussy and it allowed me to hold him skin to skin while saving my arms and back. After delivery I was surprised by just how difficult it was to engage my core properly and I still had carpal tunnel from pregnancy so holding him in my arms for long periods of time was impossible. Enter the baby carrier. 

Now unlike a normal person I have about 5 or 6 types of carriers and multiple brands in them all. I went over board so you don’t have to. By far the most common carrier I see around NYC is the buckle carrier. Popular brands include Ergo, Tula, Beco, Baby Bjorn and Lille Baby. They all function in about the same way. 

 Check out my video below to see the basics. I’m using the Tula Free To Grown in the video. 

Happy Baby Wearing!